Sunday, July 24, 2011

another new beginning

Hello little baby,

You are currently the size of a mustard seed (which is super tiny!!) and your daddy and I just found out your were growing inside my tummy. We are already so excited to meet you in 8 see what you look like and to be able to hold you! But while we wait we are praying for you to be a healthy beautiful baby!

We told your Nana, Papa, Aunt Leslie, Poppie, Gigi, and Aunt Jessica about you today. They are so excited to meet you too!!! Nana and Aunt Leslie cried when we told them, they were so happy! Your Aunt Jessica is soo excited to be an aunt!

Well that's all for today little one. Keep growing :) Oh and if you could stop making Mommy sick that would be great!

All my love,
Your mom