Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall Frenzy

Good morning my sweet boy,

Mommy has a lot to catch up on! In the last month and a half we have been running around like crazy. We have made out of town trips, gotten over colds, rushed to make it to church on time, played with other babies, and learned so many new things!

For now I'll start at the beginning:

We spent the weekend at the Leroy family river cabin in September; which was chaotic and fun. Having you there meant that 6 generations of Leroys have swam and played there! You met your Uncle Chris, Aunt Terri, Uncle Keven, Sam and Alex for the first time.

Papa taking you out into the river for the first time
4 generations of 'John' Leroys
You loved swimming in the river!

We had a photo shoot a couple weekends ago with a family friend and the pictures turned out amazing! You are just such a happy photogenic baby :) Here are a sneak peek of some of the pictures!
The 4 John Leroys 

I don't think you can get much more adorable

One of my favorites!
This past month you have decided you want to take you baths sitting up and I often find you sitting up playing in your bed! I cannot believe how big you are getting! You truly learn something new every single week! 

Well my love, you are waking up from your morning nap so I must go.

I love you dearly! Thank you for constantly bringing a smile to my face :) 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tooth & Texas

Well my little Aiden I have had my hands full with you as of late! Seems like each and every day you are learning something new--which brings my heart so much joy.

Your most favorite new thing is reach out and touching faces with that huge smile of yours across your face. I cannot express how it makes my heart feel to have you hands on my cheeks and to hear you giggle. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it! I hope I cherish these moments forever because I know you are growing all too quickly.

Two weekends ago we drove to Lubbock, Texas to take Aunt Jessica to college [sniff]. It was too long of a trip {560 miles} to go on with a 5 month old I've decided but we survived. After we got her all moved in we went to Abilene to visit the Brooks family. You had so much fun! Plus you got some Cowboys attire!

Playing with Great Uncle Darrin
Reading on our car ride

You melt my heart!

Popi & Gigi with you in your Cowboys onesie
While we were in Abilene you attempted to crawl for the first time. Let's just say it was an epic fail however I was still really excited--until you started screaming that is. I think you'll be mobile very soon!

On Saturday your first tooth broke through! It was a huge surprise to Daddy and I because all week you were happy as can be and even slept through the night multiple nights in a row!! Maybe teething won't be so bad {fingers crossed anyway}. I tried to photograph this tiny tooth but you would not cooperate so we'll try again when its a bit farther out.

Sunday we went down to our river cabin but I'll have to blog about that adventure tomorrow. As for now I have to do some homework.

Until tomorrow, XOXO

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Goodnight my Angel

My sweet baby boy-

Life truly has gotten away from me lately. Daddy is finally home with us for good! Praise the Lord...single parenting is way hard. I have a whole new respect for those who do it long term. We can be a whole family again which makes my heart so incredibly joyful!

Tonight as I put you to sleep I realized just how much this time of the day means to me. I hope we continue our 'tradition' until you decide you are too old for me to rock you to sleep. Each night after Daddy or I give you your bath--which you LOVE by the way--I feed you and then sing and rock you to sleep. Although I may not have the best voice I sure enjoy these precious moments together. My greatest hope is that you grow up to be a loving God-fearing man. I feel the best way to start that process is by sing hymns to you every night and quietly whisper a prayer into your ear as you drift off to sleep.

Each night I swing these song with a few other occasionally mingled in:

     *Amazing Grace
     * Swing Low Sweet Chariot (which your Poppi sang to me when I was little)
     *As the Deer
     *Be Still and Know
     *This World is Not My Home
     * Jesus Loves Me
     * Light the Fire

My prayers consist of many different things but I always pray that you grow strong, learn to love God and follow Him with all your heart, follow your dreams, marry a Christian woman, know you are loved, and that I remember you belong to Him.

We received a book at one of your baby showers called "God Gave Us You" and oh how true that is.  During my bible study a few weeks ago we talked about the faith of Abraham when God told him to sacrifice his one and only son, Isaac, whom he had waited many years for. I thought to myself, "I don't know if I could do that." Abraham trusted in God enough to know that His plan was best and he also knew that God had given him Isaac so He could ask for him back. I pray fervently that God doesn't ask for you back, but if he does I will trust that it is in His plan. 

I hope you treasure these nighttime moments as much as I do.

Goodnight my Angel


Saturday, May 26, 2012

2 months/Mother's Day

Hello little one,

I've been so caught up in being a 'single' mom while Daddy has been in KC that I haven't had time to blog. So here is a quick update:

Two weeks ago you were 2 months old! I cannot believe how fast you are growing! You are holding your head up on your own, moving your legs like you want to crawl (if only your arms would get with the program) and you have started sleeping through the night! Hooray for Mommy :)

2 months old: 12 lb, 12 oz & 23 inches long

That same weekend we also celebrated my first Mother's day as while as your Aunt Jessica's high school graduation. It was a super busy weekend and it seemed like it went by too quickly. Here are a few pictures.

Daddy keeping you entertained during graduation
Our little family :)
Last week we took our first trip to the zoo with the Harvey family
You meeting Omid for the first time. He absolutely loves you!
You and Daddy spending some quality time together since he is gone all week.
So excited about growing up to be a surgeon like Daddy!

 We chose to use cloth diapers on you. Everyone thought we were insane but honestly I love them. You don't get diaper rash ever--with disposable diapers that was a totally different story. They are much cuter and definitely a money saver! We decided to use them because of the price difference. Disposable diapers cost roughly $2577.35 throughout the diapering stage...we have spent $250 on 20 cloth diapers (I do need a few more) that will last the same amount of time. With buying a few more I will have spent $350 verse $2577.35. The average cost per change with disposable diapers is roughly $0.36 and with cloth (including washing them) is $0.15. Definitely a cost effective way to go. Okay I'll get off my soap box now :) 

Just a few of our cloth diapers
Well my love I think that is all I have for today. I promise I'll try to get better at blogging more often!!!
I love you with all of my heart- Mom

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A moment in time

My sweet baby A,

We sure have been busy these last few weeks! It's been a whirlwind of trips to Wichita to paint and clean our new house, pack up our old house, doctor's appointments, ect.

You had your 1 month doctor's appointment April 16th. You had grown so much! You weighed 10 lb 7 oz and were 21 and 1/2 inches long. You have grown more since then. Daddy and I weighed you today and you weighed 12 lbs!

Tomorrow we make our big move to Wichita so Daddy can finish school. As I have packed I found so many memories I have too quickly forgotten. Things like ticket subs from Daddy and I's first anniversary date, pictures of our first sonogram and a prayer journal I started last year. It seems like those moments in time slipped too quickly through my fingers. I look back and am amazed at how much has happened in what seems like such a short amount of time. You will be 2 months old soon and that just seems impossible.

Time is such a precious gift that I hope to not take for granted.

All my love,

Saturday, April 14, 2012

One month


I have sat down numerous times to blog about the day days of your birth but so much happened. I'm still working on that 'story' so I'll post that blog later.

I am truly in awe of you. You are such a sweet, loving baby. You are a beautiful [yes I know you are a boy and I should say handsome but that just doesn't do you justice] little boy and I cannot believe I have been your Mommy for a whole month now. You have brought so much joy into my life and more love than I ever thought possible. The day and week after your birth was so stressful for us - with your seizures, being in the NICU, and my tumor. Those trials have only intensified the love I have for you and your Dad. I know that God's plan is ALWAYS the best and I am thankful that His plan is for you to be a healthy, happy baby.

Being a mommy is definitely not easy and I know it will only get more difficult as you grow up but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I can't explain just how much a love and care about's a feeling I didn't know existed until I saw you for the first time. I couldn't understand when other mom's told me about this feeling while I was still pregnant. I thought, "there's no way you can love something that much that you have just met or seen." Boy was I ever wrong. Your Gigi use to read the book, Love You Forever, to me when I was a little girl as did your Nana to Daddy. I didn't understand why it made Gig cry until the first time I read it to you. 

Today [I started this post Thursday April 12th] you are 1 month old - please stop growing! You have had your first bath, been on your first road trip,had your first St. Patrick's Day and your first Easter [although we didn't make a big deal out of it since we were away from Daddy].

Born March 12, 2012 at 12:42 am
7 lb, 15 oz; 21 inches long
First time I held you
Getting love from Daddy
Our first family photo on March 12, 2012
First St. Patrick's Day
Day 3 in the NICU
First bath on April 1, 2012
One month old

 You're getting too big already...I want you to stay my little baby forever. Regardless of your age or size this will always be true:

"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living, 
my baby you'll be."

All my love forever and always,

Sunday, March 4, 2012

7 days

My precious Aiden,

I cannot believe in 7 short days we will be able to finally see your handsome little face! I know I say this all the time but I truly am amazed at how quickly the last 9 months have gone by. Feels like only a few months ago we were telling people we were expecting your arrival! 

Last night your dad and I went to the KU vs Texas basketball game in Lawrence. I was a little nervous that you would decide to come out while we were at Allen Fieldhouse but luckily you didn't. It sure did make your dad happy to be there for a Big 12 game and senior night-KU basketball is one of the things your dad is the most passionate about. We already have some Jayhawk outfits for you to wear and I just know you will look so cute :)

I am spending the next few days keeping the house clean, getting ahead on homework and catching up on sleep before you arrive. Your dad is going to be studying extremely hard since he has tests this week. So if you could now that we are so close, let's just wait till Saturday or Sunday to be born okay? 

I love you so much and can barely wait to meet you!


Friday, February 24, 2012

Coming to an end

We are almost at the 37 week mark for this pregnancy...crazy right?! This past wednesday we had a doctor's appointment and sonogram. Everything looked great! Aiden is measuring two weeks ahead like he has this whole pregnancy.

- Femur bone: 39 weeks and 6 days
- Head: 39 weeks and 6 days
- Stomach: 37 weeks and 6 days
- Weight: 7lb 12 oz [give or take a lb]

I cannot believe how fast time has flown this year. In just 2 short weeks {or less} we will be holding our precious little boy. It seems so unreal to me. My whole life all I ever really wanted to do was be a mommy. My favorite game to play, well into early teens, was house with my dolls. Everyone tells me that there is no greater gift than a child and I can say without having met ours yet that I definitely agree.

I am awaiting every day...hoping and praying it is the day we get to meet Aiden John.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


This past weekend we were so incredibly blessed by 2 wonderful baby showers! The first one was hosted by my sister-in-law, mother-in-law and a family friend at the church Matt grew up attending. We were overwhelmed with love, support and wonderful gifts for our sweet baby boy.

Here is a picture of one of the adorable tables at our shower!

Sunday afternoon we had a shower at my home church-and the church we will be attending when we move to Wichita in May. It was encouraging to know there are so many people out there praying for our son and for a safe delivery. [I'm actually starting to get a little nervous for labor and delivery now that it is less than 4 weeks away] This is the only picture I have on my camera from that shower.
Leroy family
(except my father-in-law)

We are getting so anxious to meet Aiden! Time has flown by...our induction date in 4 weeks from tomorrow. He could decide to enter the world at anytime really and boy am I ready. I have loved being pregnant for the most part but the last couple weeks have by far been the most unpleasant. I'm trying to  remember that all the aches and pains are worth delivering a healthy baby boy! Hopefully he'll make his appearance soon!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


It has been a crazy couple of weeks; with trying to get everything lined up for your arrival. School has started again and adding it to the mix has proven a little difficult. We have spent a lot of time praying for Blake, Libby and baby Paxten recently. Paxten has gone through so much in her short life! It has been amazing to me to see the outpour of live and prayers from people city, state, nation and even world wide. Pax touched lives of people who never even met her. Pretty amazing how God works huh?
Sadly for us here on Earth, Paxten was taken to Heaven today. It is so bittersweet because my heart aches so much for Blake and Libby yet rejoices that Pax is pain-free now. It has brought up a lot of feelings I didn't expect to feel yet-fear that we will lose you before we are ready. But I have found comfort in knowing that God knows all. His plan is ultimately the best plan and I have full faith in that. My prayer is that your dad and I will treasure every moment with you and raise you to be a Godly man.
I already love you more than I could ever imagine.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Good morning baby Aiden,

I can't believe you will be here in 7 weeks or less! It seems like it was only a few months ago that we just found out about you. As that time draws near I am getting more and more anxious to meet you--to see what you look like, to hear your cry, and just to know you.

In reading about Blake and Libby...their struggles with their sweet baby girl having Leukemia, it breaks my heart. I cannot imagine going through that and knowing your precious angel might not live. I pray that you are a healthy baby boy and that if you aren't and God has other plans for you; that I accept that and let Him be in control.

I love you with every fiber of my being for you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.
