Saturday, May 26, 2012

2 months/Mother's Day

Hello little one,

I've been so caught up in being a 'single' mom while Daddy has been in KC that I haven't had time to blog. So here is a quick update:

Two weeks ago you were 2 months old! I cannot believe how fast you are growing! You are holding your head up on your own, moving your legs like you want to crawl (if only your arms would get with the program) and you have started sleeping through the night! Hooray for Mommy :)

2 months old: 12 lb, 12 oz & 23 inches long

That same weekend we also celebrated my first Mother's day as while as your Aunt Jessica's high school graduation. It was a super busy weekend and it seemed like it went by too quickly. Here are a few pictures.

Daddy keeping you entertained during graduation
Our little family :)
Last week we took our first trip to the zoo with the Harvey family
You meeting Omid for the first time. He absolutely loves you!
You and Daddy spending some quality time together since he is gone all week.
So excited about growing up to be a surgeon like Daddy!

 We chose to use cloth diapers on you. Everyone thought we were insane but honestly I love them. You don't get diaper rash ever--with disposable diapers that was a totally different story. They are much cuter and definitely a money saver! We decided to use them because of the price difference. Disposable diapers cost roughly $2577.35 throughout the diapering stage...we have spent $250 on 20 cloth diapers (I do need a few more) that will last the same amount of time. With buying a few more I will have spent $350 verse $2577.35. The average cost per change with disposable diapers is roughly $0.36 and with cloth (including washing them) is $0.15. Definitely a cost effective way to go. Okay I'll get off my soap box now :) 

Just a few of our cloth diapers
Well my love I think that is all I have for today. I promise I'll try to get better at blogging more often!!!
I love you with all of my heart- Mom

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A moment in time

My sweet baby A,

We sure have been busy these last few weeks! It's been a whirlwind of trips to Wichita to paint and clean our new house, pack up our old house, doctor's appointments, ect.

You had your 1 month doctor's appointment April 16th. You had grown so much! You weighed 10 lb 7 oz and were 21 and 1/2 inches long. You have grown more since then. Daddy and I weighed you today and you weighed 12 lbs!

Tomorrow we make our big move to Wichita so Daddy can finish school. As I have packed I found so many memories I have too quickly forgotten. Things like ticket subs from Daddy and I's first anniversary date, pictures of our first sonogram and a prayer journal I started last year. It seems like those moments in time slipped too quickly through my fingers. I look back and am amazed at how much has happened in what seems like such a short amount of time. You will be 2 months old soon and that just seems impossible.

Time is such a precious gift that I hope to not take for granted.

All my love,