Sunday, January 29, 2012


It has been a crazy couple of weeks; with trying to get everything lined up for your arrival. School has started again and adding it to the mix has proven a little difficult. We have spent a lot of time praying for Blake, Libby and baby Paxten recently. Paxten has gone through so much in her short life! It has been amazing to me to see the outpour of live and prayers from people city, state, nation and even world wide. Pax touched lives of people who never even met her. Pretty amazing how God works huh?
Sadly for us here on Earth, Paxten was taken to Heaven today. It is so bittersweet because my heart aches so much for Blake and Libby yet rejoices that Pax is pain-free now. It has brought up a lot of feelings I didn't expect to feel yet-fear that we will lose you before we are ready. But I have found comfort in knowing that God knows all. His plan is ultimately the best plan and I have full faith in that. My prayer is that your dad and I will treasure every moment with you and raise you to be a Godly man.
I already love you more than I could ever imagine.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Good morning baby Aiden,

I can't believe you will be here in 7 weeks or less! It seems like it was only a few months ago that we just found out about you. As that time draws near I am getting more and more anxious to meet you--to see what you look like, to hear your cry, and just to know you.

In reading about Blake and Libby...their struggles with their sweet baby girl having Leukemia, it breaks my heart. I cannot imagine going through that and knowing your precious angel might not live. I pray that you are a healthy baby boy and that if you aren't and God has other plans for you; that I accept that and let Him be in control.

I love you with every fiber of my being for you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.
